Sound Examples for Chapter 2: Visualizing and Conceptualizing Rhythm

[S:9] Variations of the "Standard Pattern" (StanPat(a)G.mp3 0:32), (StanPat(a)N.mp3 0:32), and (StanPat(a)CA.mp3 0:32) demonstrate part (a) where G emphasizes the starting point of the Ghana pattern using the high bell. Similarly N is for the Nigerian starting point and CA for the Central African. (StanPat(b).mp3 0:32) and (StanPat(c).mp3 0:32) perform parts (b) and (c) using a bell for the outer ring and a drum for the inner ring.
[S:10] Patterns in and of Time (TimePat.mp3 0:25) Demonstrates the various numerical notations.
[S:11] Example of Drum Tablature (DrumTab.mp3 0:38)
[S:12] First two measures of Bach's Invention No. 8 (Invention8.mp3 0:11) Used in Fig. 2.9 to demonstrate Schillinger's notation.
[S:13] 4/4 Bell (Bell44.mp3 0:09) This bell pattern in 4/4 is shown in both timeline notation. It is also given as a MIDI event list in Table  2.2.
[S:14] Midi Drums (MidiDrums.mp3 0:11) MIDI piano roll notation, such as shown in Fig. 2.12 can be used to specify percussive pieces by assigning each MIDI "note" to a different drum sound. This sound example repeats measures 2, 3, and 4 of Fig. 2.12.
[S:15] Sonification of an Image (StretchedGirlSound.mp3 0:24) Metasynth turns any picture into sound. This is the sound associated with the stretched girl image:
[S:16] Filtering with an Image (MapleFilt1.mp3 0:06) (MapleFilt2.mp3 0:06). Metasynth uses an image to filter a sound. The first few seconds of the Maple Leaf Rag  are filtered by the images (a) (and (c)). The resulting spectrogram is shown in (b) (and (d)).
[S:17] Listening to Gabor Grains (GaborGrains.mp3 0:53) and (Grains2.mp3 0:36) Individual grains as well as small sound-cloud clusters appear in these examples.
[S:18] Grains Synchronized to a Rhythmic Pattern (GrainRhythm.mp3 5:06) A variety of different grain shapes are chosen at random and then synchronized to a shuffle pattern, creating an ever changing (but ever the same) rhythmic motif.
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