Specifying and Saving Patches

The item named 'patch data' contains a table used to used to store data about the patches (all the information the synth needs to sculpt particular sounds). Clicking on the words 'patch data' opens a text file that can be edited directly. Each row consists of a number (specifying where it will appear in the "patches" menu), followed by a comma, followed by a long string of numbers. For example,

2, resynth 2 500 0.8 30 72 2.5 0.55 20 0.98 0.7 0.81 0.85 570. 20 1 0.99 1300. 3 3;

can be interpreted as:

2 the sound will appear second in the "patches" menu
, the comma separates the label from the data
"name-label" does not effect sound (but enclose in quotes if special characters used)
2 the rise portion of the attack will last 2 ms
500 decay time in ms
0.8 sustain factor (0-1, as a fraction of the max amplitude)
30 release time in ms
72 number of peaks (dial 1)
2.5 peak detection threshold (dial 3)
0.55 attack/noise (dial 2)
20 width of the median filter
0.98 time base (dial 4)
0.7 formant depth / harmonic depth (dial 5)
0.81 frequency resolution / factor (dial 6)
0.85 time resolution / balance (dial 7)
570 formant / harmonic frequency offset (dial 8)
20 slew (portamento) time
1 choose between formant (1) and harmonic filters (2)
0.99 attack depth (dial 9)
1300 shift in Hz of attack filter (dial 10)
3 attack randomization (dial 11)
3 size of FFT (1=512, 2=1K, 3=2K, 4=4K)

After editing the table, you can save the changes by typing command S. Alternatively, you can edit a saved table in a text editor.

You can keep several different sets of patches in different files.

      See also: importing sounds and assigning MIDI contollers      

©2008 William Sethares; site design by Anthony Prechtl