Assigning MIDI Continuous Controllers to Dials

Clicking on the 'assign cc' button opens a table that is used to assign MIDI controllers to particular dials. The table is a text file, and can be edited directly. Each row consists of two numbers: one defines the channel and controller number and the second specifies a the number of a dial or slider. The format is:

100*(channel number)+(controller number), dial number;

For example:

201, 3;

assigns controller 1 (the mod wheel) on channel 2 to dial 3 (the peak detection threshold). Similarly,

374, 4;

assigns controller 74 (expression) on channel 3 to dial 4 (the time base).

Dials that can be assigned are:

1 number of peaks
2 attack/noise
3 peak detection threshold
4 time base
5 formant depth / harmonic depth
6 frequency resolution / factor
7 time resolution / balance
8 formant / harmonic frequency offset
9 attack depth
10 frequency offset for attack
11 attack randomization
15 reverb volume
16 reverb decay time
18 pitch bend
20 the pseudo-octave
21 generator 2
22 harmonicity, the horizontal direction on the 2-d slider surface
23 regularity, the vertical direction on the 2-d slider surface
24 master volume

The number box at the right labelled 'last cc' shows the MIDI controller number of the last received controller data.

After editing the coll, you can save the changes (command S). Alternatively, you can edit the table in a text editor.

      See also: importing sounds, specifying MIDI parameters, and defining patch parameters      

©2008 William Sethares; site design by Anthony Prechtl